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Starting on Monday 3rd June - Wednesday 3rd July 2024
For more information or to apply please speak to your keyworker or contact the Project Manager  


This course provides an introduction to service user involvement.


  1. We focus on the drug and alcohol field, community volunteering and any other sectors which may interest you.

  2. You will gain a deeper understanding of your recovery and how to move on.

  3. It’s an opportunity to brush up on your communication, team building and presentation skills.  

  4. You will broaden your knowledge of local services, best practice and useful policies.

You will learn about:

  • Drugs & alcohol advice, support & consultancy;

  • Presentation & communication skills;

  • Community volunteering;

  • Self development;

  • Basic drug awareness; lapse & relapse prevention;

  • Brent DAAT & local services;

  • Responsibilities & policies (i.e. safeguarding, boundaries, confidentiality and health & safety);

  • B-3 (Brent Service User Council); and

  • BSAFE (weekend social space).


We will provide:

  • Lunch and pay your daily travel costs;

  • A friendly and welcoming atmosphere;

  • Future options for personal & professional development; and 

  • Support to enhance your recovery.


Why Take Part?

People attend this course for various reasons:

  • To regain some daily structure in a drug & alcohol free environment. 

  • To get out of the house and engage your mind in something positive and productive.

  • To use your experiences to help others.

  • To take a first step towards employment i.e. beginning a career or change in career.

  • To find out what local services are available and learn how to navigate yourselves through them.

Even if you don’t know where you’re heading come along… together we can help you decide your next step.

Looking for a new direction? Need a helping hand?  Learn to rebuild your life by strengthening your drug and alcohol recovery.

B3 offers this free course four times per year. Participants study two days a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) for five weeks. 



You can apply for the Recovery Champions Course if you are:

  • Stable in your recovery

  • Aged 18+

  • Resident of Brent



The course will be held at Willesden Centre of Health, Harlesden Road Willesden NW10 3RY



If you are interested and would to know more please contact Radha Allen, or ask your key worker for a referral.


Do you want to strengthen your recovery?  Are you ready to move forward?  

Would you like to give back; get involved with local services?  Perhaps build new networks?

The aims of each Session:

  1. To introduce the concept of Recovery Champions and build the participants’ confidence in working and learning together.

  2. To continue the development of the participants as a team, broaden their understanding of substance use and further build on the role of Recovery Champions in the context of Brent.

  3. To support the development of essential skills required of a Recovery Champion, i.e., Health & Safety, confidentiality, personal values, boundaries, safeguarding and communication skills.

  4. To support the development of essential skills required of a Recovery Champion, in particular developing a wider understanding of substances, techniques for managing lapse, relapse and high risk situations.

  5. To support the development of essential skills required of a Recovery Champion, i.e., best practice when working with others, volunteering, advocacy and safeguarding.  This session will also cover the impact of welfare reforms on recovery. 

  6. To learn about the Brent Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) and illustrate how Recovery Champions fit into the structure of substance misuse services locally and nationally.  To learn about other support and community services in Brent. N.B. this session is held at the Civic Centre and includes an opportunity to join the Library and visit Customer Services.

  7. To learn about how various types of meetings are structured and how to make them work to your advantage.  Facilitation skills and basic introduction to group work.

  8. To reflect on the experience of how others view the recovery process.  To build participants confidence in their personal and professional communication skills which will enable effective practice as a Recovery Champion.

  9. To explore future options for personal and professional development that are available to Recovery Champions both within the substance misuse sector and beyond.

  10. To be more confident about talking with others about recovery.  To reflect on their personal journey of recovery and becoming a Recovery Champion.


Testimonies from Recovery Champion graduates:

“A great way to get to know yourself and other people.  A brilliant thing to do as part of your recovery and life.”


“Recovery Champions has helped me to re-discover myself and boost my confidence.”

Further Resources

Referral forms in PDF and Word docx formats, course brochure and advertising poster.

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